June 5, 2023
Woman in blue car holding up certificate of entitlement (COE) in Singapore

What Happens To Cars In Singapore After 10 Years?

Singapore, being well known for its strict private vehicle ownership policy, many who do not reside in Singapore would have also heard of the Certificate of Entitlement (COE). However, what happens after the COE expires and what are the options available for you? COE Is Required For All Cars As we all know it, COE gives you the right to own and use a vehicle in Singapore, and that the expiry date of it is set to 10 years upon first registering a brand-new car here. After 10 years, cars in Singapore cannot be driven on Singapore roads unless the COE is renewed. It is illegal to drive a car without valid COE. There are several options available that must be decided before the COE expires. Namely, renewing the COE and selling/scrapping your car. 1.     Renewing The COE You can renew the COE by paying the Prevailing Quota Premium (PQP) (moving average of COE prices in the last 3 months) for your vehicle category for and have the option of renewing it for 10 years or 5 years. It is to note that if you choose the 5-year option, you will not be allowed to renew again and will have […]