Dealing with a shattered automobile windscreen or window can be a traumatic and costly event, particularly if you are driving a Singapore-registered vehicle in Johor Bahru. If you encounter this situation, there are several optimal steps to follow for repairing your car windscreen or window to ensure a seamless and efficient repair process. Today, we will discuss on the proper steps you should do for repairing your car windscreen or window in Johor Bahru. Maintaining composure and assessing the damage: The initial step is to remain composed and thoroughly assess the damage to your car windscreen or window. If the shattered glass presents a safety hazard, it is advisable to find a secure location to park your car and remove yourself from the area. Contacting law enforcement: If your car windscreen or window was damaged due to acts of vandalism, theft, or an accident, it is crucial to contact law enforcement. In Johor Bahru, the police can be reached by calling +60 7 221 2999. Law enforcement officials will arrive at the scene, take a report of the incident, and provide you with the necessary documentation for insurance purposes. Notifying your insurance provider: If you have comprehensive insurance coverage, it […]